I used this site to explore some of the components that need to be considered in order to use videography in an athletic context. This is the site that I used to explore these logistics: http://education.exeter.ac.uk/research/pe_ict_event/downloads/steve_kibble/Using%20Video%20Cameras%20in%20Physical%20Education.pdf
They discuss how to use video clips, choice of cameras, environments, getting shots, health and safety, and guidance.
photo: unsplash
In terms of video clips, they discuss what the options for the videos are. This includes using videos for reference, feedback, as assessment for learning, or for motivation.
For the choice of camera, they encourage a wide-angle lens with a tripod for filming. The wide-angle allows for the capture of many players in one frame and for you to assess the environmental impacts of the clips. The tripod allows for the clips to be free of shakes or blurriness.
In terms of environment, this includes the lighting and background of the videos. It is important to ensure that the clip is highlighting what you are wanting to focus on in terms of the assessment. This means it is important to make sure that there is proper light and not too much distraction in the background.
Health and safety mean ensuring you are not putting yourself or others in danger through the shots you are trying to get.
Finally, guidance. This involves parental permission for filming with the information about what the video will be used for.
Overall, there are clearly a lot more considerations when using videography for sports than there seems to be on the surface. This is important to think about all of these considerations in order to make the most out of the opportunities.
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