Some important people:


  • Media will never influence learning.
  • The method of delivery has no effect on the learning that takes place


  • How will the media influence learning?
  • Will the media and learning have any relationship.
  • Still relevant today
  • We need to forge connections

Important uses of tech:


  • Substitution- tech is a direct substitute for other forms of education and learning (e.g. smartboards over chalkboards).
  • Augmentation- tech is a direct substitute but with improvements (features like paint strokes using your finger).
  • Modification- tech allows for significant task redesign (google slides collab).
  • Redefinition- tech allows for the creation of new tasks (global connection- international).

A few important principles:

Multimedia principle– people learn better from words and pictures together that are associated than words alone.

Segmenting principle- learner-based segments are easier to learn from when compared to a continuous unit.

Pre-training principle- knowing names and characters and being able to link to concepts allows learners to understand more

Modality principle– animation and narration learning is greater than animation with text. It can help to retain more information.

Coherence principle- get rid of the background information to allow for clear understanding and learning

Redundancy principle– animation and narration in better than both of these with text

Signalling principle– use headings and white space in the presentation

Spatial contiguity principle– learn better when associated items are close together

Temporal contiguity principle– present info together rather than consecutively for learning

Personalization principle– use a conversation style of speech to allow for students to relate and learn

Voice principle– accents and machine voices are not as good for learning

Image principle– adding speakers image to a screen does not increase learning

Individual differences principles– these principles will have a bigger impact on low-knowledge learners than high- knowledge learners

TPACK– Technological pedagogical content learning

  • how they learn
  • Content knowledge (CK)- the what, expertise
  • Pedagogical (P)- The how. Methods of teaching and assessing,
  • Pedagogical content knowledge- (PCK),  learning preferences and scaffolding
  • Technological knowledge (TK)- how to choose and integrate tech into PCK
  • Technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK)- a collaboration with technology tools.


For more information:



TPACK model:…